Wednesday 29 February 2012

Enhancing Digital Media

Online Marketing is also known as Internet Marketing or Web Marketing and is often referred to by experts such as Flowtown (2012) as being the New World of Marketing.

Blogstar (2012) state there are clear advatages for utilsing online marketing:

1.      As it can be interlinked across all online material e.g. twitter, facebook etc
According to Hubspot (2012) Businesses need to consider the following when sending emails:
2.      It can be constantly monitored and updated
3.      More specific interaction with the target audience.
4.      It only takes a click to gain a sale
5.      The internet is available 24/7 meaning potential customers can order products at any time.
6.      It allows businesses such as Coca-Cola to carry out different campaigns across the World.
The use of email compliments social media marketing as it is a powerful and vaulabe means of reaching existing customer as well as prospects. (Blogstar 2012)
1.      DON’T use Email to only sell
2.      EARN the attention of Email  Subscribers
In recent years Coca-Cola has remodeled its advertising in order to embrace Digital Media by utilising Facebook and Twitter (Mildenhall 2012)
An example of how Coca-Cola have embraced Digital Media can be found at:

Would anyone Share a Coke with me?
Cocla-Cola have embraced the use of digital media by allowing the users of their websites to follow them across all web platforms.
What is your preferred way of following a brand like Coca-Cola?
Digital Media has benefited Coke because they outlined that “If you’re going to be successful on multiple screens 24 hours a day then you have to have a lot of content. We used to get this from traditional agencies but now we can get it from everywhere.”

“Even the big guys occasionally get it wrong.” (Brand Channel 2011)
However, Digital Media has its negative effects, as found out by Coke in 2011. As stated by Brand Channel (2011), Coca-Cola for the first time in the brands history released limited edition white cans instead of red cans. 

Fans used Twitter, Facebook and the Official Coca-Cola Blog in order to register dissatisfaction towards the white can. This included consumers accusing Coke of ‘trickery’ because people believed that the white can was a Diet version. Thereby, illustrating how Digital Media can have a negative impact on the brand as Coke withdrew the white can. However, the use of Digital Media enabled Coke to upload a ‘Coke Fact Sheet’ outlining each can. (Brand Channel)

Check out the Coca-Cola adverts for the White can!
Check out the TOP 100 Social Brands
Where is your Favourite Brand?

Wednesday 22 February 2012


What is a blog?
According to 7 Summits (2009), a Blog is a form of website that is similar to a personal journal that gets frequently updated. The intended audience is the general public which allows two way communications between the Blogger and the Audience. Blogs allow the user to incorporate RSS Feeds, Videos, pictures and links to websites which can be used to assist the topic. (Brand Republic 2012)   

Why?, What?, How?, Who?, Which?, Which? and How?


How Football Clubs use blogs
A Blog is a powerful tool if utilised correctly as they can be geared towards a specific audience. As outlined by BlogStar (2012), Football Clubs can use Blogs:
ü  To enhance the brands reputation, identify and credibility
ü  To Communicate and inform people
ü  As a way of displaying information for internal and external stakeholders
ü  To increase the community following the brand
ü  To have an online presence.
On the other hand, Blogs can be used to Market products to the audience as people following the Blog would be interested in that specific Football Club e.g. AFC Bournemouth.
Blog Pulse (2011) sated that by the end of 2011 there were 178 million online blogs. It is important that the Blog is kept up to date in order to prevent negativity towards the brand.
Have a look at these popular Blogs and submit your feedback in the comments:
Further reading