Wednesday 22 February 2012


What is a blog?
According to 7 Summits (2009), a Blog is a form of website that is similar to a personal journal that gets frequently updated. The intended audience is the general public which allows two way communications between the Blogger and the Audience. Blogs allow the user to incorporate RSS Feeds, Videos, pictures and links to websites which can be used to assist the topic. (Brand Republic 2012)   

Why?, What?, How?, Who?, Which?, Which? and How?


How Football Clubs use blogs
A Blog is a powerful tool if utilised correctly as they can be geared towards a specific audience. As outlined by BlogStar (2012), Football Clubs can use Blogs:
ü  To enhance the brands reputation, identify and credibility
ü  To Communicate and inform people
ü  As a way of displaying information for internal and external stakeholders
ü  To increase the community following the brand
ü  To have an online presence.
On the other hand, Blogs can be used to Market products to the audience as people following the Blog would be interested in that specific Football Club e.g. AFC Bournemouth.
Blog Pulse (2011) sated that by the end of 2011 there were 178 million online blogs. It is important that the Blog is kept up to date in order to prevent negativity towards the brand.
Have a look at these popular Blogs and submit your feedback in the comments:
Further reading


  1. Wow this is actually pretty useful, I've been wanting to create my own blog but it's really hard to create one that people are interested in and I had no idea how to market it to the general public. It's extremely difficult to create a worthwhile blog these days...but this has really inspired and helped me. Very good. Cheers :)

  2. Thank you for this post, it is very useful!


  3. Thanks for the comments! :)
    Richard, please can you explain how this Blog is useful?

  4. It illustrates how businesses can use Blogs and this is something I will ensure my Business includes in their Marketing Budget.



  5. This is a well constructed Blog! It is very interesting i like how you decided to use football clubs for the purpose of the Blog!



  6. Brilliant blogging! I feel the point you uncovered from hubspot regarding not using emails opnly to sell is a very good and true point. when a company emails me to sell I will mostly disregard them!
