Wednesday 11 April 2012

Mobile Communication

Mobile V Computers
As stated on Mintel (2011) the decline in desktop computers has plummeted in recent years as has dropped from over £2,500 million in 2006 and is expected to be worth around £1,167 million in 2016. Whereas, the Smart Phone market is expected to rise towards the region of £2,962 million from £1,500 in 2006.

Earlier this week Facebook acquired Instagram which is a photo-sharing network. This will enable Facebook’s customers to have the best photo-sharing experience. (MarketingWeek 2012)
However, as more and more people purchase mobile devices with ‘smart phone’ capability this will enable the customers to take photos and upload the pictures directly to their photo-sharing profile.
In the first 24 hours the android market place had over 1million downloads of Instagram; which shows how powerful Facebook are in the role of communication as they acquired something and immediately people downloaded it! (MarketingWeek 2012)
Do you think this acquisition is a move in the right direction for Facebook?
What are people using mobile phones for?


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