Wednesday 9 May 2012

The 'Facebook' Network

The most popular social networking site is Facebook and over 30 million people in March 2011 visited the site in March, this was an increase of 86% since 2008.
(Figure A. Mintel 2011)
The current number of users of Facebook is 800 million with the average user being connected to 80 community pages, groups and events. (Facebook 2012)
This illustrates the number of brands that people are connected with as ‘brands’ make up a large number of these community pages.
As outline by Bakshy (2012) people are more likely to share information with their ‘friends’ from weaker ties.
Facebook has had a negative impact on the number of emails that are being sent around the world, as people will send messages to friends on Facebook rather than logging in to an alternative account to send an email. (Zuckerberg, 2011)
This is due to the fact that it is convenient and easy to send messages to friends on Facebook. Hence, this is impacting on the way people are communicating with one another.

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