Wednesday 28 March 2012

Celebrity Endorsements

Neilsenwire (2011) state 32% of social networkers follow a celebrity which indicates that people are influenced by celebrities on social networking sites.
People who identify themselves with a celebrity want to be like the celebrity which leads to them adopting the celebrities attitudes, beliefs and behaviour. (Joly 2011)
Are Celebrity endorsements a good way to sell brands?
Signing a celebrity to be associated with the branding campaign is powerful but can be risky; the organisation need to ensure that the celebrity being chosen has a genuine interest and is enthusiastic the relationship with the celebrity could appear shallow and superficial. (Marketing week 2010)
The business insider (2011) state that a $50 billion is spent every year on celebrity endorsements; Do you think celebrities are worth the money?
Why celebrities are used?
1. Grab attention
2. Enhance the company image
3. Sell products
4. Allow the celebrity to build their own ‘brand’
5. Enable the consumers to build a relationship with the company through a person they ‘like’
6. Builds the companies trust and reputation
How has Digital impacted on Endorsements?
#Twitter has enabled fans to communicate with celebrities online; businesses have seen the opportunity as many celebrities such as Lady Gaga and Justin Beiber have around 20million followers. (Twitter Counter 2012) This means business can pay them to mention their brand in their tweet. An example of this was Snoop Dog tweeting about a Toyota Sienna minivan encouraging his followers to buy one.
The world becoming more connected!

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