Wednesday 14 March 2012

To Brand or Not To Brand?

The traditional methods of branding have a large cost in order to get the message across to the audience. Whereas, the cost for using Digital Branding is cheaper and it enables more engagement; enhancing brand building. (Microsoft 2012)
In the 21st Century people no longer want to be bombarded by loads of companies telling them to buy this and that. As more and more people embrace digital media so has the number of Organisations.
The way consumers receive information has been evolving and the use of the internet, social media and mobile phones has changed the way people communicate with one another. (Brand Republic 2012)

Smart Phones V Tablets!

 As a result of this, the Catalan Government has embraced ‘smart phones’ and encouraged businesses in Barcelona to Go Mobile.  This will enable businesses to build brand awareness through the utilisation of Mobile phones. These businesses include the Barcelona Zoo, Aquarium and FC Barcelona (Google Mobile 2012)

Before Go Mobile!

New FC Barcelona Website embracing Go Mobile!

“33% of people coming to the Camp Nou now have a Smartphone and the number will soon be 100%. It is therefore very important for us to be present. We want everybody that has Barça in their heart to also have Barça in their pockets". (FC Barcelona 2012)
“Google Mobile searches growing 400% in the last two years, its increasing important for businesses to satisfy the needs of a mobile user by building a mobile-friendly site.” (Google Mobile 2012)
As a result of this, businesses are able to communicate special offers, videos and brand information. (Barcelona Go Mobile 2012)
This is one current example of how brands can increase their reputation through the utilisation of Digital Media.
Would you like to see London Go Mobile for the Olympics?

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