Wednesday 7 March 2012

Questionnaires, Questionnaires, Questionnaires!

Based on the research findings of BlogStar (2012), the number of companies using questionnaires is increasing as they try to gain feedback and understand the consumers better.

This has been assisted by Web 2.0 which allowed the world to be more connected. As a result of this, companies are incorporating surveys on their webpages such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and their own website. This will enable a company such as Coke to target the consumers as they are increasingly spending more time which is on Social Networking sites as outlined by Nielsen (2011).
How much time do you spend on social networking?
Have you embraced Twitter?

Advantages of Questionnaires
1.      Speed and Volume of Data Collection
2.      Savings in Costs
3.      Flexible Design
4.      Data Accuracy
5.      Access to research populations
6.      Anonymity
7.      Respondent acceptability

Disadvantages of Questionnaires
1.      Sample Bias
2.      Measurement Error
3.      Non-response Bias
4.      Length, response and dropout rate
5.      Technical problems
6.      Ethical Issues
Pizza Hut Customer Feedback Questionnaire

What do you think of the Pizza Hut online Survey?
Example of McDonalds embracing online Surveys!

Have you participated in the McDonalds Survey?
Digital Developments!
Chinese language comments have swamped Barack Obama’s Google+ page, which is normally inaccessible in China because of Governmental restrictions. However, Chinese internet users found they could access Obama’s Google+ page without restrictions. As a result of this, the Chinese left comments to Obama asking for freedom of speech, human rights and information on how they can get immigration to the U.S.

Further reading


  1. Excellent post Craig.

    I see in your first sentence that it appears more companies are using questionnaires to gain feedback from customers. However, response rates from questionnaires are dropping significantly (50% in the last 5 years).

    Do you think it is still the best platform to use to collect data? If not, what other options are there?

    Ian Kennan

  2. Great Blog post! I like the pictures; very easy on the eye.


  3. I recently went to Pizza Hut and I completed the Survey. I must say it was easy to follow and I like how online has been integrated with questionnaire/surveys.

    Fantastic Post!

